The Australian cricket team suffered a horrific loss at the hands of India in the opening Test of the 4-match series in Nagpur. After losing the contest by an innings and 132 runs, the tourists came out with a plan which was to practice on the central wicket in Nagpur after the match concluded within 3 days. However, their plans didn't materialise as the pitch had been watered by the ground staff. Australia Great Ian Healy, however, termed this act by India 'pathetic'.
Speaking to SEN, according to, has asked for ICC to step in, alleging Australia's efforts to practice on the used Nagpur pitch were 'scuppered' by the hosts.
"It's really embarrassing the scuppering of our plans to get some practice sessions on that Nagpur wicket," Healy said.
"That's not good, that's just not good for cricket. The ICC needs to step in here.
"For them to water the wicket unceremoniously when it was requested for practice is horrible and that has to improve," he added.
Nagpur curators reportedly watered the pitch after Australia planned to train on it. #INDvAUS
— SEN Cricket (@SEN_Cricket) February 12, 2023
The Nagpur pitch has been the central talking point in the series since the start and even after the match has concluded, not much seems to have changed.
Earlier, some Australian journalists and former cricketers had accused the Indians of 'doctoring' the pitch as per their needs. In the match, India went on to put a humungous total of 400 runs in the first innings while Australia couldn't even get near the target in two innings.
With the second Test slated to take place in New Delhi, the pitch is expected to offer assistance to spinners once again. Australia, who didn't play a single practice match on the tourn, have been practicing on their own but their plan seems be backfiring at the moment.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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