Harbhajan Singh has opened up on his relationship with former India skipper and teammate MS Dhoni, amid the rumours of a rift between the two. Harbhajan called time on his cricket career in December 2021. Post his retirement, the off-spinner didn't mince words when talking about his ouster from the national team. During an interview, he said that he feels that other former players could have played a few more years, had they received the same backing from the team management as someone like former India captain MS Dhoni got.
While the comment was perceived by many as an outburst of Harbhajan towards the team management and Dhoni -- who was the leader of the team towards the second half of Harbhajan's international cricket career, many presumed that the relationship between the two was not good.
In his latest interview, Harbhajan has clarified that he holds no grudge against Dhoni and said that both of them are very good friends.
"Why would I have a problem with MS Dhoni? We played a lot of cricket for India and we have been very, very good friends, and still, we are. He became busy with his life, and I became busy with mine, and we don't meet very often. But there's no rift whatsoever," said Harbhajan on Sports Yaari.
"Talking about the rumours of rift, he hasn't taken away my property (laughs). But yes, I am interested in some of his properties, especially his farmhouse," he added.
MS Dhoni called time on his international career in 2020, however, he continues to stay active in Indian Premier League. The wicketkeeper-batter will next be seen in action in IPL 2023, starting March 31.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket https://ift.tt/uLCbdFQ
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