Indian cricket legend MS Dhoni is enjoying quality family time, having retire from international cricket a few years ago. Though Dhoni still remains an active cricketer in the Indian Premier League for Chennai Super Kings, his retirment from international cricket does give him personal space and time for himself. Dhoni, who was recently spotted outside a gym, has now bene captured driving a vintage car on the streets of Ranchi. A fan captured Doni driving a Rolls Royce, and decided to share the video on social media.
The fan-following that Dhoni has all across India still remains unparalleled. No matter where the wicket-keeper batter goes, fans turn up in numbers to just get a glimpse of him. Dhoni, who is known to have a huge collection of vintage bikes and cars,
A few days ago, former India cricketer Venkatesh Parasad had shared a video from Dhoni's Ranchi farmhouse where the iconic cricketer flaunted his huge collection of bikes.
"One of the craziest passions I have seen in a person. What a collection and what a man MSD is. A great achiever and an even more incredible person. This is a glimpse of his collection of bikes and cars in his Ranchi house. Just blown away by the man and his passion," Prasad tweeted as he shared a video of Dhoni's bike collection.
One of the craziest passion i have seen in a person. What a collection and what a man MSD is . A great achiever and a even more incredible person. This is a glimpse of his collection of bikes and cars in his Ranchi house.
— Venkatesh Prasad (@venkateshprasad) July 17, 2023
Just blown away by the man and his passion @msdhoni
In the video, Dhoni also had an epic conversation with his wife Sakshi where she asked about the need for such a collection of bikes.
Sakshi asked Dhoni, "Why Mahi why? What was the need of this?"
The former India captain replied, saying: "Because you took everything and I needed to have something of my own. This is the only thing you allowed."
Despite being 42, Dhoni remains keen to wear te CSK jersey at least one more time when the IPL 2024 season begins next year.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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