Former India spinner Harbhajan Singh has opened up on the Mumbai Indians captaincy saga, with Rohit Sharma set to play under the new leadership of Hardik Pandya. Hardik replaced Rohit as captain of the franchise after MI traded him from Gujarat Titans before the IPL 2024 players auction. While there has been rumours of a possible rift between the two players, Harbhajan shared his views on the equation between Rohit and Hardik, and hoped that the too could set their differences aside and do what's best for the franchise.
"Only time will tell. Who will be comfortable or who will not? Mumbai Indians have been a solid and formidable team in IPL. I am sure they would love to leave the controversies behind and pave the way for the future," Harbhajan told Times of India in an interview.
Rohit is the most successful captain in the history of the IPL, alongside MS Dhoni, having led MI to five titles (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020).
Hardik, on the other hand, led GT to IPL glory in their debut season in 2022 and then guided them to the final last season where they lost to Chennai Super Kings (CSK).
In a recent event, Pandya was asked about whether he had the chance to discuss the change in leadership with Rohit and the India all-rounder had a clear answer.
"Yes and No. I haven't got a lot of time to talk with Rohit because he has been touring. I will definitely catch up when he links up with the team," Hardik said at the event.
Pandya also said that Rohit will continue to be a guiding force for him during the IPL despite the unexpected change of leadership that the franchise announced ahead of the upcoming season.
"It will not be any different, he will always be there to help me. This team, what it has achieved, it has achieved under him and I just have to carry forward that. He is going to have his hand on my shoulders," said Pandya in a media interaction.
"We respect fans but we focus on the sport and what is required. I focus on the controllables, fans have every right and I respect their opinion," he replied when asked about the fans' outrage at Rohit's removal.
The upcoming season of the IPL will mark Hardik's return to competitive cricket. The all-rounder had picked up an injury during the ODI World Cup in October last year.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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