Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli share a great camaraderie on and off the field. On Friday, a heartwarming video went viral on social media in which the duo could be seen bursting into laughter. It all started with India captain Rohit jokingly taps Shubman Gill's jaw with his left hand while talking to the player in the dugout. Kohli, who was sitting adjacent to Rohit, quickly reminded him that his act was being recorded by the camera. As soon as Rohit realised this, both Rohit and Kohli could not help and laughed their hearts out.
Watch it here:
Rohit casually hit Shubman Gill on his jaw
— Rohit Fan For Life (@RohitFanForLife) September 20, 2024
Virat told Rohit that we are on camera
Then all started laughing together
Watch this #INDvBAN
Ahead of the Border-Gavaskar series 2024-25 against India, Australia right-arm seamer Josh Hazelwood opened up on the game plan that his team will make for players like Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli in the upcoming series.
The Border-Gavaskar series between India and Australia will begin on November 22, with the first Test at Perth.
Over the years, India has regained an upper hand over Australia in the series. India has won its previous four series against Australia in a row, including two wins in Australia in the 2018-19 and 2020-21 seasons.
This has made India a much more successful side in the series, with India winning the BGT 10 times and Australia winning it five times, with their last series win coming in during the 2014-15 season. Their last series win in India was in 2004-05.
"The strategy is probably more focused on the newer players we haven't played much Test cricket against, like Jaiswal and even Shubman Gill, who we've only faced a few times. We've played against Virat, Rohit, and others for years, so we know what to do," Hazlewood told Star Sports.
"The plan doesn't really change that often. It's about the basics--doing them well and for a long time. We usually find that, 9 out of 10 times, Test cricket comes back to that Plan A. You adapt to conditions and change things throughout the day or innings, but most of the time, it's about executing that plan," the fast bowler added.
(With ANI Inputs)
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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