When Sarfaraz Khan was not named in the Indian squad for the first two Tests against Australia, there was a huge furore on social media. Even cricket greats like Sunil Gavaskar slammed the Chetan Sharma-led All India Selection Committee for ignoring batter Sarfaraz, who is going through a purple patch in the domestic circuit. "He is not staying off the field when he is scoring hundreds, he is back on the field again. All that tells you that the man is fit for cricket. If you are looking for only slim and trim guys, then you might as well go to a fashion show and pick some models and then give them a bat and ball in their hand and then include them. You have cricketers in all shapes and sizes. Don't go by the size, but go by the runs and the wickets," Gavaskar had told India Today.
Indian fans on social media reacted quite angrily to the selection of Suryakumar Yadav, who has been doing well for India in the limited-overs formats, in the Tests against Australia over Sarfaraz, who has been getting tons of runs in first-class cricket.
However, Sarfaraz sees Suryakumar as an inspirational figure. The two have played together for a long time for their state team Mumbai.
"Surya is a very good friend of mine. Whenever we are in the same team, we spend a lot of time together. I learn a lot from him. Yes, he had to wait, but now he is using his experience very well," Sarfaraz Khan said in an interview with senior journalist Vimal Kumar.
Speaking on his preparation and his outlook towards the game, Sarfaraz said: "I only focus on hard work. I believe in doing as much hard work as possible. Whatever I have been following, I look to continue that. When I went out to bat, I wanted to repeat what I have been doing the last few years. I am a person who is attached to the ground. I practice a lot, and that's why my form is continuing."
from NDTV Sports-Cricket https://ift.tt/LFUCKYg
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