Cricketer Kedar Jadhav's father Mahadev Jadhav was found hours after he went missing from their Pune home on Monday, a police official said. As per Kedar Jadhav's complaint at Alankar police station, his 75-year-old father, who suffers from dementia, had left their Kothrud home for a morning walk and was last seen exiting the gate of the housing complex. Mahadev Jadhav was found in Mundhwa area, the official said. "His condition is fine and he has been reunited with his family," Senior Inspector Ajit Lakde of Mundhwa police station said.
Kedar Jadhav represented India in 73 One-Day Internationals and has been playing for the Maharashtra Ranji team since 2007.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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