Bollywood actress and wife of India cricketer Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, turned 35 years old on May 01, 2023. On the occasion, Virat took to social media to post 7 beautiful pictures of his wife with a glorious message to wish her a happy birthday. While Kohli has been busy playing the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 for Royal Challengers Bangalore, Anushka has often been spotted in the stadium cheering for her husband. "Love you through thick, thin and all your cute madness. Happy birthday my everything," Kohli tweeted on the occasion.
Love you through thick, thin and all your cute madness ♾️. Happy birthday my everything @AnushkaSharma
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) May 1, 2023
On the cricketing front, Royal Challengers Bangalore will aim to shed the over-reliance on their celebrated top-order when they face a belligerent Lucknow Super Giants in the IPL here on Monday.
RCB have struggled to maintain momentum provided by Virat Kohli, Faf du Plessis and Glenn Maxwell, who have done all the scoring in the eight games so far.
With most teams bunched up closely in the standings, the margin for errors has reduced in the second half of the competition.
Kohli, du Plessis and Maxwell can't be expected to do the job in every game and it is high time the likes of Mahipal Lomror, Shahbaz Ahmed and Dinesh Karthik step up.
The fielding and catching too needs to improve, something which was pointed by Kohli himself after the loss to KKR.
The former India captain will continue to lead the side unless du Plessis, who has been used as an 'Impact Player', regains full fitness.
With PTI inputs
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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