A ticket for the marquee World Cup semi-final match at Eden Gardens will cost a minimum Rs 900, the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) said on Monday. Tickets for the India-South Africa game and the semifinal would be in the range of Rs 900 (upper tier) to Rs 3000 (B, L Blocks). The other two denominations for the two matches would be Rs 1500 (D, H Blocks) and Rs 2500 (C, K Blocks).
The iconic 63,500-capacity stadium will host five matches in the World Cup.
Tickets for Bangladesh versus Qualifier 1 match will be the lowest in denominations of Rs 650 (upper tiers), Rs 1000 (D and H) and Rs 1500 (B, C, K, L).
For Pakistan's two fixtures against England and Bangladesh, the tickets will be Rs 800 (upper tier), Rs 1200 (D, H), Rs 2000 (C, K) and Rs 2200 (B, L).
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
from NDTV Sports-Cricket https://ift.tt/mjapTCi
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