Amid the dearth of ICC Cricket World Cup tickets in the market, former India pacer Venkatesh Prasad has voiced his displeasure over the handling of the matter. Prasad's reaction comes after fans, who according to him are the biggest stakeholders of the game, slammed the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), International Cricket Council (ICC) and BookMyShow, the official ticketing partner, over the distribution of tickets. Fans were left empty handed, despite waiting in the queue for hours on the official site, as the tickets were sold at a rate of knots.
Reacting to the fiasco, Prasad demanded a proper audit over the distribution of the tickets in order to identify the culprit behind the dearth of tickets for the mega event.
"This doesn't look good. Either the ticket partners are incompetent to handle the ticket and traffic or this is another eyewash in the name of releasing tickets. Hope there is a proper audit and identification of how the tickets are sold and to whom and what platform. Just cannot take the biggest stakeholders, the fans for a ride with false assurances," Prasad replied to BCCI's post on X.
Notably, BookMyShow's website showed a waiting time of just 90 minutes, but the fans had to wait for much longer while booking the tickets.
Earlier, Due to the high demands of tickets, the BCCI decided to release 400,000 fresh tickets for fans.
Even after that, many fans were left ampty-handed as the website showed that the tickets have been sold out.
Waited for 30 mins in queue to get this error message. #ICCWorldCup2023 ticket booking is absolute nightmare for the fans. @BCCI
— rajasekhar (@itsRajG) September 8, 2023
#bookmyshow #BCCI #scam #CWC2023 #IndiaVsPakistan
— Alay Raval (@RAVALALAY007) September 8, 2023
Great ticket scam by bookmyshow after wait for 90 minutes booking page was open but when i select seat it shows that all seats are sold out
Great scam
ICC cricket World Cup ticket scam@bookmyshow - big embarrassment to this digital platform
— Vyshnavi (@VasishtaViju) September 8, 2023
Waited for just under 1 hr in the queue to book tkts and finally got in to select the seats only to get a message that tickets are SOLD OUT ,clearly ( see pic below) tkts r available
World Cup tickets are a legit scam..
— jinang Shah (@jinangS98961136) September 8, 2023
Every time I go inside the stadium to book my tickets but when I click on payment it says they are booked by other... @ICC @NeonMan_01 @JayShah @bookmyshow @imVkohli @ImRo45 #scam #TICKETSCAM
"I urge the @BCCI to have more transparency in the World Cup ticketing system and not take fans for granted. Definitely in a stadium like Ahmedabad, for an #IndvsPak clash more than the sold 8500 tickets need to be available when the capacity is 1 lakh +. Likewise for all other matches, a larger chunk needs to be for the fans. It will be more fulfilling if the diehard fan is kept happy and not deprived of this opportunity instead of reserving a large chunk for corporates and members," he had posted on X.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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