Indian cricket team spinner Ravichandran Ashwin withdrew from the ongoing third Test match against England in Rajkot on Friday due to a family medical emergency. The withdrawal came just hours after he became the second Indian bowler ever after Anil Kumble to take 500 Test wickets. BCCI Vice President Rajeev Shukla took to social media to provide another update about the incident and wrote that Ashwin's mother was facing the medical emergency. "Wishing speedy recovery of mother of @ashwinravi99 . He has to rush and leave Rajkot test to Chennai to be with his mother," he posted on X (formerly Twitter).
Wishing speedy recovery of mother of @ashwinravi99 . He has to rush and leave Rajkot test to Chennai to be with his mother . @BCCI
— Rajeev Shukla (@ShuklaRajiv) February 16, 2024
BCCI provided an update on the development.
"Ravichandran Ashwin has withdrawn from the Test squad, effective immediately due to a family medical emergency. In these challenging times, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and the team fully supports Ashwin," BCCI said in a media release.
The Indian Cricket Board did not reveal the exact reason for Ashwin's withdrawal and requested all to respect the cricketer's privacy.
"The BCCI extends its heartfelt support to the champion cricketer and his family. The health and well-being of the players and their loved ones are of utmost importance. The Board requests respect for the privacy of Ashwin and his family as they navigate through this challenging time," the statement added further.
Ashwin, who attended the post match media conference to speak on his milestone, flew back to Chennai.
"The Board and the team will continue to provide any necessary assistance to Ashwin and will keep the lines of communication open to offer support as needed. Team India appreciates the understanding and empathy of the fans and media during this sensitive period," BCCI secretary Jay Shah was quoted as saying in the release.
India will play the remainder of the third Test with 10 men and four specialist bowlers.
It is understood that Ashwin might not be available for the remaining two Test matches in Ranchi (Feb 25-29) and Dharamsala (March 7-11).
(With PTI inputs)
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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