India spinner Kuldeep Yadav returned to his hometown Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh after successfully clinching the T20 World Cup 2024 title. Rohit Sharma and co. defeated South Africa in the final by seven runs and added the second T20 World Cup trophy in India's cabinet. The whole team received a grand welcome on their arrival in Delhi on Thursday as they first met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence and then participated in a grand victory parade in Mumbai. After the team celebration, Kuldeep came to Kanpur and got a similar welcome from his fans over there.
Hundreds of fans came out to welcome their champion, who scalped 10 wickets in T20 World Cup 2024. The fans arranged fireworks, dhols, and music in the honour of Kuldeep.
"We are very happy. We waited for this for a long time. It feels great to see our people here. It is a great pleasure to bring the World Cup. This is more for our India than for us... It was very nice to meet him (Prime Minister Narendra Modi)," Kuldeep told ANI.
#WATCH Uttar Pradesh: Indian cricketer Kuldeep Yadav welcomed on his arrival in Kanpur.
— ANI (@ANI) July 6, 2024
He says, "We are very happy. We waited for this for a long time. It feels great to see our people here. It is a great pleasure to bring the World Cup. This is more for our India than for…
Following their meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi, the players departed for Mumbai. In Mumbai, the Men in Blue had an open bus victory parade from Marine Drive to the iconic Wankhede Stadium. The parade was an affair to remember and marvel at, as thousands of fans gathered at Marine Drive and surrounded the bus before it could even get Indian players on it.
The team went to Wankhede amid cheers, chants, and claps from passionate fans. At the Wankhede, they were felicitated with the prize money of Rs 125 crore by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) office-bearers. Players also talked about their win, and the performances of key players in the T20 World Cup inside a jam-packed Wankhede and danced their hearts out. The event also featured the players taking a victory lap to the tune of the country's national song, 'Vande Mataram'.
The flight was organised by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Jay Shah and departed on July 2 from a hurricane-struck Barbados before arriving in Delhi at around 6:00 AM on Thursday. Board officials and members of the media contingent from the tournament were also on the flight.
(With ANI Inputs)
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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