Legendary India batter Sunil Gavaskar made a stunning U-turn after initially criticising the decision to include Washington Sundar in place of Kuldeep Yadav for the second Test match against New Zealand on Thursday. Washington was added to the India squad after the loss in the first Test match in Bengaluru and his inclusion in the playing XI prompted Gavaskar to say that it was a 'panic' decision. However, the all-rounder produced a stunning performance and took seven wickets to put India in control. Even Gavaskar was impressed with his performance and on commentary, the legend remarked - "What an inspired selection. He is picked in the XI because he can bat a little bit, bowl a little bit.”
Earlier, Gavaskar was not convinced with India's decision to make three changes to their playing XI. KL Rahul, Kuldeep Yadav and Mohammed Siraj were all dropped for the second Test as Shubman Gill, Washington Sundar and Akash Deep made their way into the playing XI.
It feels like a bit of a panic decision taken by Team India. You do not make 3 changes to the squad often," Gavaskar said on broadcast after the toss on Thursday.
India trail the three-match series 0-1 after losing the first Test by eight wickets last week. Rohit Sharma and Co. had been bowled out for 46 in the first essay of the Bengaluru Test.
"I don't see a lot of teams making three changes unless there are injury concerns. Including Washington Sundar tells you they are worried about their batting. More than his bowling, they need his batting down the order as the cushion," Gavaskar said.
"Yes, there is a lot of talk about the left-handers in the New Zealand batting unit, but I would have picked Kuldeep Yadav, who can also turn it away from a left-hander," Gavaskar added.
(With PTI inputs)
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